Unfortunately I didn’t get finished the page for today, which was my goal, it still has about another three to four hours of coloring work left on it, however, I didn’t want to NOT update SOMETHING (hey something is better than nothing right?), so here is a preview!

ALSO! I’m in the FINALS of the TGT webcomic Tournament! Voting starts Aug 21 (tomorrow). Show your support! Vote from a computer, since voting from phones won’t be counted. You can vote once every 12 hours!

I’ve discovered recently how to Ustream, and I’ve been doing it. I recorded a portion of my inking. I don’t say a lot, but you can watch. If you are interested in watching me Ustream, my show is called ShadowsMyst is Drawing ( I know, its so original XD). Its kind of random at the moment, but I tend to announce it in twitter. If there’s enough interest in facebook, I may post there too. BUT, I will also be making a page here with imbedded choice videos. If you have a ustream account, you can follow me on Ustream. 🙂

I will of course post the page when its done, but right now it looks like it may be a monday post, as generally I don’t post on the weekend. 😛

Discussion ¬

  1. tgtwebcomics

    Voting for the Tournament is now open! May the best webcomics win! 😀

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